What We Do
Our MDT Team and Process
Turning Point Child Advocacy Center (TPCAC) is a child friendly environment. When the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) or Law Enforcement receive reports of child abuse they can refer the child and a non-offending caregiver or other safe adult to TPCAC for an interview. At TPCAC the child can talk about their experiences with a trained interviewer. Our interviewers are trained to listen, talk to kids and ask questions in a way that will not re-traumatize the child. While the child is being interviewed our Advocate works with the family to explain how the interview works, our services offered, and other needs the family may have.
Based on the interview and the family’s needs we are able to offer therapy referrals, medical referrals, court preparation and advocacy, and other services. Our Advocate keeps in contact with families to be able to answer questions and make other needed referrals as the case progresses.
A team consisting of DCFS, mental health professionals, medical professionals, CAC staff, Law Enforcement and prosecutors work together to make decisions on how to help the child. We hold monthly meetings to discuss the status of cases and what next steps are needed. This collaboration is called the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) response.